Tuesday 16 October 2007

Cartoonscape - Surendra

The Hindu - Saturday October 13
Editorial - page 12
Cartoonscape - Surendra

The above cartoon impresses me a lot. This clearly shows the present situation of our politics after the unpredictable situation which was prevailing in the last few days.

This cartoon shows the reunion of NCP and left at the same time it also shows the disappointed opposite leaders and their reactions.

The word “great tragedy” explains the result is really an unexpected and the thing goes upside down to the BJP. Great thinking by Surendra. Hats off to him.

For these 30 children, sky is the roof

The Hindu - Friday October 12
Tamil nadu – page 5
For these 30 children, sky is the roof

The passage makes me to feel sad for those 30 children in the Anganwadi in Krishanampalayam.
Here I like the authors social interest and he also describes the readers how bad our government policies of fixing 44.5 paise for a child.

The children are in the same condition for last 7 years shows the government official’s lack of intrest which the author wants to say to the reader.

Reading this passage shows the happenings in Anganwadi and the problems they are facing in their day to day life.

The author’s intention of writing the passage is at least after reading this passage the official’s in charge of the Anganwadi will take suitable measures.

Ragging and its remedies by Valson Thampu

The Hindu - Thursday October 11
Page – 13
Ragging and its remedies by Valson Thampu

The heading itself says there is remedies for the ragging in this passage. This shows the author interest in solving ragging.

The author is principal in a reputed institution so he understands the problem of ragging and its worst outcome.

Here author really feels sorry to take action against the students and he compares it to call in the police for his children quarrel.

Author’s idea for reducing ragging is to reform the men and women involving in it. He is very careful in not making students criminal, shows his tender heart.

By reading the above passage one can really understand that all the mischiefs cannot be considered as ragging. There are some conditions that have to be fulfilled before registering it as ragging case.

Here Readers can able to know some law points. The vocabularies used in the passage is very good and the usage of words is excellent.

This is a passage that should be read by every student.

Beauty of skill over silly posturing by Rohit Brijnath

The Hindu - Wednesday October 10
Sport - page 20
Beauty of skill over silly posturing by Rohit Brijnath

The heading given by the author shows his deep intrest in sports.

The word ‘Magic with gloves’ adds pleasure to the readers.

In this passage author praise Dhoni who is just behind the stumps and utilize the chance of stumping from a fast bowler.

Every one thinks it is just a stumping but the author describes the stumping into symphony of movements (bending, rising, collecting, watching, making a decision, hands responding, alert and quick).

The sentences ‘skillful hands had spoken enough’ is simply superb.

Bigger, better and cheaper TV’s in the global market by S Nagesh

The Hindu – Tuesday 9
International – Page 14
Bigger, better and cheaper TV’s in the global market by S Nagesh

From the very first passage reader can understand the key idea of this passage i.e., world of television has begun to change.

I eagerly started reading the passage that i can know lot of new arrivals in the market but i am very much disappointed.

Author says there are 348 exhibitions from 20 countries but i can read only two company names, Panasonic and Sony, but no country name in 20.

Also photo taken by the author says he himself visited the CATEC but there is no list of products to be launched or technical details of camcorders or blu-ray disc or DVD.

In my point of view, the passage did not give sufficient details for the reader.

Why should you be a good listener? by B.S. Warrier

The Hindu - Monday October 8
Education plus – page 7
Why should you be a good listener? by B.S. Warrier

The passage headline is a question which creates eager for the reader is a very good tactics used by the author.

The passage covers all the advantages of good listening and definitely makes the reader a good listener than before.

The comparison made between two British Prime Ministers makes the passage more interesting.

The point of good listener can reduce the sorrow of the suffering person is really great point to think about.

The check points given at the end shows the author confident that this passage will make reader good listeners and those check points will be very much useful.

More than mere air warriors by Pankaja Srinivasan

The Hindu - Sunday October 7
Magazine - page 4

More than mere air warriors by Pankaja Srinivasan

There when you need them - These words written below the picture says everything about our air force and air warriors these words shows how the author loves our nation and our air force.

IAF milestones give us many unknown but interesting details of our IAF for the readers.

I started reading this passage thinking the author will say the pride of the air force but it is entirely different author shares the experience of some air warriors which includes braveness, sentiments, joy, sorrow and even comedy which adds extra spice to the reader.



> Improper written communication can lead to misinterpretation of message which will produce non desirable results

Example: "no assignments tommorow"
This can be interpreted as following,
The office will be holiday
The office will be working but associates should be in library.

Written Communication Types

There are three principles, as in verbal communication, which we must obese in written communication accuracy, brevity and clarity, and to remember tem easily we can call them the ‘ABC’ of communications.

> Accuracy

All information must be checked and double-checked. Wrong information not only negates the purpose of communication, bit also casts severe doubts on the credibility of the writer. Where there is likely to be disagreement or doubt on the part of the reader, always try and quote the authority for it or the evidence to support it. Where it is necessary to quote your opinion, then say it is an opinion that you hold.

> Brevity

Time is far too valuable to waste in reading unnecessary words. Brevity will encourage the receiver to read the paper quickly as well as understand it better. Never use six words when two will do. Give every word credit for its full meaning; it is not necessary to qualify one word with other words which mean the same thing.

For example

In ‘world-wide recognition by all’, either ‘world-wide’ or by all’ is superfluous. In the phrase ‘surrounding circumstances’, circumstances means things which surround.

> Clarity

Clarity is achieved by using the right language, that is, words and constructions that the reader will understand. Greater clarity can be achieved by carefully structuring the communication so that the argument follows a logical sequence which leads the reader naturally to the point being made.

Structure of written Communication

> Introduction of the subject
> Development of the case or subject
> Conclusions
> Recommendations

Introduction of the subject

Begin by telling the reader exactly what the paper is about. Sometimes this can be done simply by a heading; sometimes it needs longer treatment in a paragraph or a section of its own. The objective should be to create in the mind of the reader a picture of the subject, or the background to what you are going to say.

Developing of the case or subject

Having introduced the subject, you need to develop the argument or case on the subject. This is the main part of the paper, and hence should be in logical sequence and in as much detail as required. This is where planning of the communication is important, bearing in mind the other aspects already mentioned about accuracy. Brevity and using the right language.

Conclusions or findings

The development of the argument or case should lead quite naturally to your conclusions or the part of the paper where you discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the situation. This is where you evaluate the alternatives to the problem and decide on the most favorable course of action or your reasoned judgment.


After the logic of the argument has been presented, you need to put down recommendations, where appropriate, of what is to be done or what needs to be followed up for getting the necessary results. Again, recommendations should not come as surprises to the reader; they should arise as the inevitable outcome of your conclusions.

Methods of written Communication

The main written instruments of communication used in business are;

> Letters and memoranda.
> Directives and instructions.
> Notices.
> Reports.
> Proposals.
> Minutes/notes of meetings.
> Manuals.
> Brochures.
> House journals.
> Agreement documents.

Letters and memoranda

Their purpose are many and varied, ranging from simple and direct to very complex and subtle. The essential emphasis, however, is personalizations, that is, they are addressed to specific people in specific situations.
To obtain the desired effectiveness and impact, you need to keep the following six principles in mind.
Know your reader and the purpose of writing to him (who, what,when,why)
Make the reader feel you are communicating with him(and not to him)
Write in the reader’s language(one that he understands)
Communicate in terms of the reader’s understanding of the subjects on which you are writing.
Communicate the right company image (not just your personal image).
Be as formal or informal as the situation dictates keeping in mind the purpose of the communication.


A report can be written for a variety of purposes. It can be to document or support things, focus discussion on some specific issue, act as an outline or guideline for a discussion or decision, present conclusions of meetings and discussions and so on.
In order to make reports communicative and helpful you should remember the following fiver points.
Know exactly what the report calls for.
Be sure that you cover all information called for.
If certain information coat be supplied in the report, state reasons and when you will supply it.
Follow exactly the style and format called for, or necessary.
Use visual devices such as charts and tab les to supplement your thoughts and provide emphasis.

Directives and instructions

Written directives and instructions can range from a simple order for something to be done to highly complex instructions of technical or administrative nature.
To make your instructions crystal clear, the following four guidelines should be kept in mind.
Know the people you are addressing.
Know exactly what must be said to obtain the right response and outcome.
Authenticate the directive or instruction, that is, the basis or authority for issuing the said instruction.
Supplement, as needed, with other communication.


Proposals put forth ideas for consideration, generally for the purpose of decision or action on an idea, plan or scheme.
You should keep the following five points in mind when writing out proposals:
Know exactly your, and the proposal’s mission or objective.
Select and include only data that meets the mission.
Build your competence and credibility to carry out the proposal’s objectives.
Clearly and cogently state your way of implementing the plan or scheme.
Address the proposal to the right person who is authorized to sanction or approve it.

Minutes/notes of meetings

Minutes or notes records of decisions and discussions at meetings for circulation,
In order to be informative and effective as records, minutes must have the following six qualities viz
An accurate description of discussions and decisions.
Comprehensive in covering all the points—small and big.
Clearly state the action required, the name of the person whose responsibility it is and within what time limit.
Without unnecessary ‘waffle’ and irrelevant points.
Clear on the time, date, venue and all those present at the meeting.


Manuals are documents and guides to action for specific purposes and groups of people. They are addressed to readers to assure proper job performance and to communicate policies.
The following five steps will help make manuals communicative and relevant;
Use language and graphics which can be understood by all those for whom the manual is meant.
Use ‘persuasive instruction’ wherever possible to ensure acceptance by readers.
Make the manual attractive in appearance, format and style, so that it appeals to the reader.
Make the manual flexible so that it can be periodically updated without difficulty.
Get continuing feedback on its utility and the information contained in it.


Brochures are formal written ‘package’ for specific purposes and target audiences such as customers, shareholders and employees.
As carriers of information to particular target groups, both inside and outside the organization, Brochures should be prepared and used in following six ways.
Know the specific target group or groups for whom they are intended.
Know the appropriate and exact message which is to be communicated.
Communicate to reach the target group with maximum message impact.
Optimize costs.
Use as handouts and in conjunction with presentations.
Use to follow-up a presentation and as mailing shots.

House journals

The house journal is a type of magazine or newsletter. It cam be in a variety of forms, produced in the organization for distribution as a means of improving communication between management and employees.
Preparation of a house journal is a specialist function and requires journalistic and editorial skills. The following five are some general suggestions forgetter communication and presentation through house journals:
Use a format and style which will appeal to the majority of riders and not just select few.
Make the house journal appear to serve readers’ social (or individual) needs first, and then with the organization’s.
Use plenty of photographs, condensations and personal tidbits to provide visual relief.
Make the appearance and layout attractive.

Professional papers

Common in managerial, professional, and scientific circles these are critically oriented messages concerning important subjects, issues, problems, concepts, theories, methodologies and research findings. The professional paper is often the primary presentation or communication vehicle for such occasions.
In addition to the basic conventional requirements for technical validity, proper reasoning and substantively appropriate format, you should bear the following three points in mind when preparing professional papers:
Pre-test your paper on representative, competent and candid colleagues, and rewrite or modify if necessary on the basis of the feedback you get from them.
Distribute or publish the paper as appropriate within the organization and outside.
Invite written reactions and critiques form readers to your paper after your presentation, or after it is published as the case may be.

Agreement documents

Agreements are written ‘dialogues’ between two or more parties. They are bilateral, specific and detailed so that the two or more parties know the exact terms to which they agree or are committed to. Such documents are generally binding on all parties.

Essentially contractual, they must be explicit and clear as to what is expected of the parties involved. Given below are four guidelines for their communicative


Set forth the exact requirements to be met (tasks, times, costs, manpower, etc)
Set forth the specific parties involved (names, positions and organizations represented).
Set forth penalties or other means of satisfaction if any of the parties fail in their assigned roles (or specify if there are no penalties).
Get oral agreement first, followed by detailed written documents(which must be discussed thoroughly to assure complete understanding and agreement by all concerned).
So far we have outlined some general aspects of using the written media in communication. These must, however, be viewed and employed with care and good judgment based on the situation. They can serve as practical and worthwhile principles for planning and carrying out successful communication and presentations within the organization and outside.

Tips for better writing

Imagine yourself to be a potential client who has just received some company’s promotional literature. To what extent does your impression of the company change when you spot spelling errors in the covering letter, or if you find it difficult to understand the accompanying brochure? Surely, this will give you some idea of the importance of impressive and error-free business writing.

Even though the financial stakes are high, many organizations choose to handle their own written materials in-house. While it makes sense to keep descriptions in the hands of those who know the service or product best, this strategy can backfire if the author is not aware of some basic ways to strengthen the text.




Reports are designed to convey and record information that will be of practical use to the reader. It is organized into discrete units of specific and highly visible information.



· Inform or instruct – present information
· Reader sees the details of events, activities or conditions.
· No analysis of the situation, no conclusion, no recommendations.


· Written to solve problems
· Information is analyzed.
· Conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made


· An extension of analytical reports: main focus is to sell an idea, service or product.
· Proposals are the most common type.


Periodic Operating Reports - To monitor and control production, sales, shipping, service, etc.

Situational Report - To describe one-time events, such as trips, conferences, and seminars.

Investigative / Informational- To examine problems and supply facts with analysis.

Compliance - To respond to government agencies and laws.

Justification/Recommendation- To make recommendations to management

Yardstick - To establish criteria and evaluate alternatives by
measuring against the “yardstick” criteria.

Research Studies - To study problems scientifically by analyzing a problem, developing hypotheses, collecting data, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions.

Proposals - To offer to solve problems, investigate ideas.


Physical Description Report

Physical description reports describe the physical characteristics of a machine, a device, or some other type of object. They also explain the relationship of one part of the object to other parts so that the reader can visualize the object as a unit. Physical description reports are many times combined with process, analysis, or investigation reports.

Process Report

Process reports explain how products are produced, tests are completed, or devices operate by describing the details of procedures used to perform a series of operations. Process reports may be general or detailed. General process reports are addressed to persons not directly involved in performing the process. Detailed process reports are designed to give the readers all the necessary information needed to complete the process.

Examination Report

Examination reports are used to report or record data obtained from an examination of an item or conditions. Examination reports differ from one another in subject matter and length. Some are similar to analytical reports but are less complicated because the information is obtained from personal observations. Examination reports are logically organized records investigating topics such as accidents or disasters. They are usually prepared for people knowledgeable about the subject and not for the general reader.

Laboratory Report

Laboratory reports record and communicate the procedures and results of laboratory activities. Equipment, procedures, findings, and conclusions are clearly presented at a level appropriate for readers with some expertise in the subject. They are sometimes presented in laboratory notebooks using neatly handwritten text and charts.



The various skills needed for interviewer and interviewee are

> Information
> Comprehension
> Application
> Analysis
> Synthesis
> Evaluation

Information skills

These questions obtain knowledge and information by asking the interviewee to recall facts, terms, and basic concepts.

The types of questions that are associated with this level of critical thinking use the following key words: who, what, why, when, where, which, choose, find, how, define, label, show, spell, list, name, relate, tell, recall, select, identify, recognize, record, relate, repeat, and underline.

For example:

How is....?
What is...?
When did...?
Who did...?

Comprehension skills

These questions help an interviewer understand a topic by having the interviewee address facts and ideas through organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions, and stating main ideas.

The types of questions that are associated with this level of critical thinking use the following key words: choose, cite examples of, compare, contrast, demonstrate, describe, determine, differentiate between, discriminate, discuss, interpret, explain, express, extend, give in own words, identify, illustrate, infer, interpret, locate, phrase, pick, practice, outline, relate, report, respond, restate, review, recognize, select, tell, translate, summarize, show, and simulate.

For example:

What facts or ideas show...?
Which is the best example...?
How would you summarize...?

Application skills

These questions obtain information by asking for solutions to problems in which the interviewee must apply acquired knowledge, facts, techniques, and rules.

The types of questions that are associated with this level of critical thinking use the following key words: apply, build, choose, construct, demonstrate, develop, dramatize, employ, generalize, illustrate, interpret, make use of, model, operate, practice, relate, schedule, select, shop, solve, use, utilize, and initiate.

For example:

How would you build....?
What approach do you use when...?
What would happen if...?

Analysis skills

These questions obtain information by asking the interviewee to examine problems, break information into parts, identify motives and causes, and show ways that a theory is supported.

The types of questions that are associated with this level of critical thinking use the following key words: analyze, appraise, calculate, categorize, compare, conclude, contrast, correlate, criticize, deduce, debate, detect, determine, develop, diagram, differentiate, distinguish, draw conclusions, estimate, evaluate, examine, experiment, identify, infer, inspect, inventory, predict, question, relate, solve, test, and diagnose.

For example:

What is the motive behind that statement...?
What is the relationship between...?
Can you identify the parts of...?

Synthesis skills

These questions obtain information by asking the interviewee to solve problems, or to apply acquired knowledge, facts, techniques, and rules.

The types of questions that are associated with this level of critical thinking use the following key words: adapt, arrange, assemble, collect, compose, construct, create, design, develop, estimate, formulate, invent, improve, manage, modify, organize, plan, prepare, produce, propose, predict, reconstruct, set-up, solve, synthesize, systematize, and devise.

For example:

How would you improve...?
What changes would you make...?
Could you provide more information on...?

Evaluation skills

These questions ask the interviewee to present and defend opinions by judging information and the validity of certain ideas.

The types of questions that are associated with this level of critical thinking use the following key words: agree, appraise, assess, choose, compare, conclude, critique, decide, defend, estimate, evaluate, judge, measure, opinion, perceive, rate, revise, score, select, support, validate, value, and test.

For example:

What is your opinion of...?
How would you evaluate...?
Why is this better than...?

Types of Interviews

> Behavioral Interview

Requires the candidate to give specific examples from their work history.

> Prescreening Interview

Screening process by telephone, internet questionnaire, or in person.

> Group Interview

More than one person may be conducting the interview. The hiring manager, department head, or human resources personnel may be involved.

> Group Projects

If an organization intends to hire a large training class, a group project may be a part of the interviewing process. The group project is used to see how potential employees would work together to solve a situation or problem.